Last Thursday, we set of for a stroll through the village, pausing to admire these fungi growing under a tree

I meant to look this tree up in my book, but I forgot, and as I am writing this at the flat, and my book is at home, perhaps one of you will know what it is!

a rather smart new house being built a few streets away from us

with another one being built behind it

the leaves are changing to their glorious autumn colours, which are my favourite

Malcolm shows the scale of this passing tractor and trailer

more fungi - as I don't know anything about them, I would never risk picking wild ones, in case they were poisonous

there's a surprise, our stroll has brought us to Nelson's

the sign on the window saves me from telling you!

it was quiet when we arrived (it soon filled up) so I was able to take some photos

where else would you hang your old tennis racquets and walking sticks!

and of course we all hang our bikes from the ceiling!

we walked round to see the rheas ........

which upset these geese, which were vociferous in their disapproval of our walking past!

it was rather hard to take photos of the rheas, as they were constantly twisting ......

......... and turning .........

.......... pulling feathers out!

of course we have to have a couple of arty photos. First a cotoneaster growing out the top of an old stone wall

and then a fading hydrangea flower hanging over another old wall

as you can see, a lot of leaves have already come down

we regularly pass this garden, which has all sorts of quirky things in it

the current theme is owls

back home, I have been busy with the two little bits of garden that I am allowed to work on!

I have given the border in front of the house a thorough weed, and have planted some bulbs for spring colour

in the rockery, the bedding plants are still flowering, so I have left them for just now, and just had a good weed and deadhead

I have planted more spring bulbs in Malcolm's raised bed

when I was taking the photos, I spotted several different fungi

growing in what is supposed to be the lawn

I think the Head Gardener

will have a lot of work next spring to eliminate the weeds

I even discovered a late-flowering dandelion!

I promised you scones ....... when I went up to the counter in Nelson's to place our order, I couldn't make up my mind between the tasty cheese scones

and the delicious fruit ones, so we just had to share one of each ..... yum!!

to finish, what was happening on the quayside in Berwick this morning ........ had we slipped though a rip in the time-space continuum (or something like that!) and gone back several hundred years ........ I'll tell you on Monday! Have a great weekend, love Anne