There was great excitement yesterday morning when the postman delivered a parcel from the other side of the world!

so what delights did it contain?

a card and presents for my birthday from Meredithe, who was unable to post the parcel to arrive on time as she was quite poorly

a fabulous sheepie tin

and in the tin, an owl tape measure, and an owl shawl pin, just in time for my hand knitted scarves and shawls coming out of the wardrobe for winter ( which the "experts" claim is going to be very cold and snowy!)

and how cute is this tote bag .......

....... made to support a good cause. Thank you Meredithe, for such lovely presents - the tin and tape measure are now in my sewing basket in the flat

I took these photos of my sock knitting yesterday morning, before we left to come over to the flat. The light was really bad, so they have been taken under the ceiling light in the lounge - some of them on my footstool, and some of them on the rug. This pair is for Malcolm - they are more green than they look in the photo

sorry, this one is a bit out of focus! Again, these are for Malcolm - the same pattern, but in a blue colourway

but there was a bit of an oops in the second sock, where something had obviously gone wrong with the printing of the pattern on the yarn

the same yarn in yet another colourway - this pair is for me (and I finished them last night)

I've got lots of left over bits of yarn now, so I have come up with a cunning plan. I unearthed a skein of yarn from my stash and wound it into a ball. Now I am going to knit short socks for me. I'll use the leftovers to knit the rib, then use the skein to knit the feet - after all, no one will see them in my boots!

we walked over to town this afternoon, and of course went round past the Money Pit. There is still a lot of work going on. The rotten bits of window frame have been replaced, and the windows painted

why did I take this photo? If you look closely at the big tree on the right, you will see that it is laden with apples!

some time ago, we went to have a look round the show house at this development when they had an open day (we had no intentions of buying one, we were just being nosey!). The work is now almost finished, and instead of a great mound of earth and rubble, the centre space is now being landscaped

the little black boat is one of the fishing boats that moors in the dock

there weren't very many people on the beach today

this is an old fire insurance mark on the front of a house (well spotted, Malcolm!)

I rather like this window - I wonder if Malcolm would let me cut a hole in the studio wall to install one?

I have shown you this fire escape before - it is on the back of the Money Pit. I just like the contrast between the curved and straight sections

when I was sorting through my photos, I came across this one from earlier in the week. Has an alien invaded my kitchen?

no, it's just a saucepan waiting to be washed up

instead of going for a cuppa and cake this afternoon, we had a cuppa and shared a delicious cheese scone at the Garden Centre this morning

the forecast is reasonable for tomorrow, so we are hoping to go for along walk on the beach. I hope you have a good weekend, love Anne