....... that Malcolm considered setting up an ark-building company! But then on Sunday we got up to a beautiful morning, so off we went to the beach

there have been some very high, and then equally low tides recently, and the sand has shifted a lot. The wooden groynes have almost disappeared in places

I hoped that all the shifting sand would mean that there would be lots of seaglass, and I had only gone a few yards before I had picked up several pieces

recently I have seen lots of pictures in craft shops, at craft fairs and on Pinterest, made with small pieces of seaglass and little pebbles like these. I shall have to have a play!

perhaps I could add in a feather?

this surfer was trudging up the beach - I guess the surf wasn't to his liking

we walked right to the end of the beach, then came up the steps and walked back along the promenade, stopping at the cafe ......

for a cuppa and a shared bowl of delicious chips

the good weather had brought out lots of people ...... with lots of dogs!

while I was taking this photo of an enormous rosehip .....

....... Malcolm was sitting enjoying the view

you can just make out Bamburgh and Lindisfarne on the horizon

as we walked back through the car park, we decided we wouldn't want to spend a holiday in this big beastie - you would probably spend half the day trying to find somewhere to park it

I've shown you various catering vans at local events ...... this is their base

as we walked along towards the dock, we saw one of the little fishing boats

which seemed to be having problems, as it was going round in circles!

I was tempted to "acquire" three different metal objects on our walk ....... a wonderful old gate

......... a piece old scrap metal, which would probably sell for a fortune in a trendy art gallery

....... and this lovely rusty gate post and lock

back at the dock, there was more temptation ........ two transporters full of brand new Minis (they aren't two-tone, the white is protective covering)

I shall be back tomorrow to tell you about a very special little boy, and to show you the quilt that I have made for him.