.......... so we abandoned our chores and went out for a walk after lunch. I had read somewhere recently that there is a bumper crop of sloes this year, and that they have ripened early, so we thought we would go on a sloe hunt. We only got as far as the bottom of the road before I had to stop to take photos!
I think the countryside looks best in autumn
these two riders had been enjoying gallop - if you look closely at the photo above you can just make out the line of white railings which mark the gallop
I do like a piece of higgledy-piggledy fence
every time we go on this walk I have to take photos of this beautiful old gate
it was good to see that this farmer has had new wooden gates made, instead of using the ugly utilitarian metal ones which are common now
of course I had to take photos of sheepies (yes Anna, they are for you!)
I guess someone couldn't be bothered to carry this fork home, and left it hanging on the fence for next time
there are no pavements on country roads, so it is a bit scary when big beasties like this timber lorry go thundering past
there is still some colour in the verges
this has been a very poor year for brambles, because the spring was too hot/cold/wet/dry (I can't remember which one was the cause!). All we could find were these exceedingly poor things
so, did we find the abundant and ripe sloes? NO! We did eventually find some sloes, but they were far from ripe - it is hard to pick them out, in the middle of the photo, but one of them is just turning purple