First, we have the latest stitchery to be finished - I think this is number 18. I have to admit that some of the circles should have been satin stitch spots, but the more I do satin stitch the less I like it!

as all the pattern packets (there are eight of them) are over at the flat, I had to remember to extract this page from one of them to bring home, as I want to make a start to trimming the stitched hexagons to size, and also start cutting out the larger fabric hexagons ...... they will be the backing fabrics, and will also fold over to the front, in the fashion of Japanese folded patchwork

then, second, I made covers for two seat pads ....... I had previously done two for the dining chairs in the flat, and when we bought two folding chairs for when we have guests, I had meant to cover the other two, but hadn't yet got round to it. Fortunately I was able to buy more of beach fabric

then for the backs, I used the offcuts of the Ikea curtains that we have in the flat

the two covers cut out and pinned ready to stitch - the unpinned area at the top is the opening for putting the covers on the cushions

after stitching, I cut off the corners on the opening edge

then, for the two corners on the front edge, I flattened out the corner and marked a line where it measured an inch

after stitching, I trimmed off the points

I also stitched along the seam line on both sides of the opening, to give me a straight line to turn in and press the seam allowance

I had left the ties on the cushions, so I just had to stitch the opening shut

and here they are, two cushions with their new covers

now, the third lot of sewing! This morning I added the borders to the Lovely Baby quilt

and made the binding

I taped the backing fabric to the table

and covered it with a layer of lovely soft cotton wadding

then I added the quilt top and pinned all the layers together, ready for quilting this afternoon

I had a trial stitch on a scrap of fabric and wadding, to check that the tension was ok

I quilted the centre panel ........

with a large loopy meander

I finished this afternoon's session by making a start to the straight line quilting on the border ...... not much more to do now!