It's so good to be back home with my reasonable internet connection - I've got lots to show you, so let's get started!
We got to Woolfest early, and headed off to have breakfast before the show opened. Suitably fortified, we headed straight to Kate's stall, as I had told her that I had intended to be first in the queue to buy her wonderful new design, the sheep carousel tea cosy. Malcolm wielded the camera, as Kate and I tried to smile nicely!

Not only did I get the tea cosy kit, but it came in a super cotton bag

It's a long time since I did colour work, and I haven't worked steeks or braids before, but I'm looking forward to getting started

My next purchase was this yarn bowl, which I bought from Willofibre. You sit the yarn in the bowl, feeding it through the spiral. Then when you knit, the yarn stays in the bowl and doesn't roll about all over the floor

I had said to Malcolm that I wasn't going to buy any yarn, as I am trying (!) to reduce my stash. However when I stopped at Helen's stall for a blether (Helen, second from the left, used to live here in the Borders, before she went off to the other end of the country) .......

......... I succumbed to this rather tasty skein

It was hard to capture it in a photo, but can you just see that it has a sparkle running through it

I bought one or two other things, but I'll save them for tomorrow, so that I can show you some other photos. I may have mentiooned that it rained rather a lot ...... this was the view from our cottage, looking out on to a section of flooded road. It was quite entertaining watching the different methods employed by drivers to deal with the problem - drive slowly, drive fast, through the middle, along the side

The rain might have been pouring down, the road may have been flooded - but if the verge had to be cut, it was going to be cut!!

On Saturday Malcolm went in to Cockermouth - these are some of his dramatic photos of the river in the town centre

When Malcolm picked me up on Saturday afternoon, we headed off to Keswick - where it was still raining! When we walked down to the lake, we found that the rowing boats had been pulled up on to the road ....

....... as the strip of shingle where they usually sit was under water - as were the wooden jetties - you can see the lines of poles showing where they are, usually with pleasure boats moored alongside

Usually when we are in Kewick, we get fish and chips for dinner, sitting down by the lake to eat. However this time we had to eat indoors! Haddock and chips - delicious!

But, I hear you cry, where are the stars of the show, where are the sheep

I'll be back tomorrow with more of my purchases, more cute animals ....... and I'll tell you whom I had a cuppa with, and whom I had lunch with!