Yesterday we went off down to Ashington to see Malcolm's Dad. We met up with Jennifer, who had said she was gong to treat us all to lunch! We went to Warkworth - and of course wherever I go these days, the camera goes too. After a very nice pub lunch, we left Malcolm's Dad to have a little snooze in the car, as he is no longer able to walk far, while we had a quick potter round the shops .... and of course a photo opportunity or two
This is the old bridge over the river, and I'll let the next photo tell you all about it
We were standing on the new bridge to take the photo of the old bridge, and from there we also had this view over to the castle
Beside the bridge, is this quirky little house, which I couldn't resist taking a quick photo of, before the owners came out and chased me away!

And another wonderfully quirky thing - this was the old post office and although it now a house, the post box is still in the window (I was careful to take the photo at an angle so that I wasn't looking in the window!!)
This morning the sun was shining, so I was pottering about the garden taking some shadow shots for future Sundays, when finally, I saw this plant had flowered - I have been waiting for days to take a photo of it!
I have no idea what it is, but there is a big clump of it - there may even be another photo in the days to come when it flowers fully. Just behind it is the funny little thing, with flowers that look like fluffy little balls (I tend only to know the names of plants I have bought, so I don't know the names of a lot of the plants which were already in the garden when we moved in!)
This shrub is at the front of the house, underneath our bedroom window.
Now, I know you are saying, that's quite ordinary looking .... but it's hiding something under the branches

Do you know what it is yet, would you like another view?
It's a quince, and although this is an ornamental variety, the fruits can be used. These won't grow much bigger than a golf ball, unlike the ones we saw in Portugal last year, which were about the size of a rugby ball!
This afternoon we were in Kelso, where we had lunch in the garden centre, before I headed off for knit'n'natter (I can't tell you what I'm knitting at the moment, as it is a surprise present for someone who reads this drivel blog) We had a walk along the river after lunch, where I took this photo of proud mummy and daddy swan with the family (perhaps it was the same family that I posted a photo of some weeks ago) ....
..... but the moment was spoiled somewhat, when I had to shout at some young teenage boys who were throwing stones at the swans!!