Yet again, I jumped out of bounded from crawled out of bed at 6.30 to go for a quick three mile walk. Bliss, the peace and quiet of the countryside ... apart from the swallows trilling and chattering (for little birds, they make a lot of noise!) sheep baaaa-ing, horses harrumphing, geese honking, chickens squawking, crows cawing, dogs barking ..... at least the rabbits are quiet!
Way up ahead I saw a lamb sneak out of the field, cross the road and start munching on something in the hedgerow. As I got closer it still went on munching, and closer still and closer still - it was still munching away
I had actually gone past and turned in the hope of getting a better photo when it finally noticed me and skedaddled across the road and back in to the field. So what was so delicious?
Can you see? It was lots and lots of little apples!
I've been walking up and down the road for days now and hadn't noticed the apples .... or these raspberries
Now, you know I like old fence posts - and today I found this wonderful piece of old fence (yes, I know it's strange to like bits of delapidated fence!)
Do you remember some weeks ago I showed you this photo of the spooky tree (we think it wants to be Hogwarts Whomping Willow when it grows up!)
When I passed this morning there were three crows perched right at the top - could this mean that Lord V*****mort (remember you mustn't say his name!!) could be lurking in the hedgerows!!
Did you notice that I have changed my banner slightly - as I seem to tell you as much about my life here in the country as about knitting and sewing, I thought the banner should reflect that - although in that case maybe it should also mention food .......and wine ......and cakes ......