Since I finished Oliver's quilt, other than working on the chickens, I haven't been doing any sewing, so I thought I would take the chance to show you some of my sewing over the years.
I made this for my Mum's birthday when I was eight or nine
This was done more than 30 years ago!
I love the colours of the butterfly
(I'm now gnashing my teeth - the following 6 photos were in pairs when I composed the post - but now they are all over the place!!!)
Charles Rennie MacIntosh-style embroideries
Small cross-stitch pictures
Embroideries for my Mum, Rosemary and Malcolm's Mum, Doreen
Ruby Wedding sampler for my Mum and Dad
Ruby Wedding cross stitch for Malcolm's Mum and Dad
It's only now that I am writing today's post that I realise how many photos I took this afternoon - so I'll save the rest for another day (and that's only embroideries, I've got lots of patchwork photos as well!). However there will be more sewing tomorrow, in the Tuesday Treasures - so do come back!