Oh my, we managed to squeeze so much into the weekend, this will have to be a two part post!! So, let's get going! We went for a (rather chilly) walk on Saturday, stopping first at the Coastwatch Tower
we were invited to go up to the balcony for a better view, but when I saw the ladder, I decided that I would remain on the ground!
while Malcolm was upstairs, I took these two photos to show how strongly the wind was blowing
a quick selection of our progress along the beach
I wondered what this group were doing, so of course when we went past, I stopped to ask! They were making a dinosaur sand sculpture ...... and I think the adults were having more fun than the children!
I wondered what had left this mark on a rock.......
when I saw this on the next rock
and while I was taking that photo, Malcolm pointed out this on the next rock!
I'm glad that the dog that left this paw print in the sand wasn't still on the beach!
we encountered quite a lots of birds on Saturday
there was a very high tide on Saturday - a combination I gather, of the 18-year lunar cycle and the eclipse. Combined with the wind, the waves were coming over the breakwater
we had an excellent day out yesterday, but I'll save that for tomorrow, and instead I'll skip forward to today. We were woken up in the early hours by a lot of noise coming from the dock, so we weren't suprised to see a large ship when we got up this morning
its cargo of grain was being unloaded into large lorries
we popped into town for some shopping, and decided to try out the new coffee shop
which is very nicely decorated
but I don't think I'll be rushing back to have a cheese scone served with salad!!