For the past few days, Malcolm has been telling me that the swallows are back, but I kept saying that it was a bit early. But then yesterday evening, there was a very soggy swallow sitting on the telephone wire. I bet he was wishing that he had stayed in Africa a bit longer!

now, some more catching up, first with more photos from our walk on Sunday. At first I thought these were snowdrops under the hedge ..... but if you could smell the photo, you would know that it was wild garlic

this boat was high and dry

everywhere we loooked there was blossom on trees

at first we were puzzled by this blossom

but then we saw this on another branch

of course when the sky is such a wonderful blue, I have to take photos to show it off

I wonder if this fisherman found the water a bit chilly?

now, on to Monday. I treated Malcolm to lunch at The Night Safe Bistro in Hawick - so called as it is in a former bank (I would have shown you a photo of the outside, but just as I went to take it the camera switched itself off, as I had forgotten to change the battery!)

the restaurant opened last September, but this was our first visit.

they have kept the vault door, but now it is used as a storeroom

Malcolm ordered a BLT

and I ordered a chicken tikka wrap

then we had half each! The food was delicious, the staff were friendly and efficient and the prices were reasonable - we will definitely go there again.
back home, the early clematis is now fully in flower

I have been working away on the sampler quilt

I have run out of the black fabric for the outer border, but hopefully I will be able to get more tomorrow at Borderland Fabrics - but don't worry, if I can't get more, I do of course have a plan B

while looking for the photos of the sampler quilt, I found this photo of Sandra's prize for winning the giveaway........ two of my photos, some of my cards, and a copy of my Country Cottages pattern

do pop in again tomorrow, as I have some exciting news to share with you!
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