the pair of collared doves have been back in the garden, and this shot explains their name
they have been billing and cooing as they hoover up the fallen seed under the bird table
the scruffy little robin was back today as well
but what was he watching ?
he was watching the sparrows, who were tucking into the yellow daisy-like flowers. They were in a feeding frenzy - in seven years of living here, I have never seen anything like it!
and to continue with the bird theme for the last photo, I saw these mugs this morning when we were out and about. They had been reduced to £1.29 each ....... and we had a voucher for a further 15% off!! We had planned to just use odds and ends of china for our new holiday home, but I couldn't resist such a bargain. I had picked up two, but then picked up another two, so that when Stuart and Alison come to visit we can have matching mugs for our cuppas
remember this is the last post you can comment on to be included in the draw for my giveaway. It has been great getting lots of new commenters, including Myra from Winnipeg!!
* I remember reading this book when I was in my teens.