I really didn't like geometry ........ I didn't mind algebra, it made sense to study arithmetic, but geometry and trigonometry just didn't appeal. This afternoon I wished that I had paid more attention, as I wanted to draw an elengated triangle. I knew that I needed to use my protractor (yes, I have a protractor and a set square) but I simply couldn't remember what to do. So as always, Malcolm came to the rescue (only after I made him a cup of coffee!).
But to start at the beginning ....... I had yet to draw the pattern for the August block for Lucie's "A is for applique" challenge. I started with this
I added some flowers and birdhouses, and decided to use some coloured pens. I know it looks as if I asked a passing 5-year old to draw it for me ....... Malcolm was warned not to laugh!
The triangle that Malcolm drew for me is a template for the bunting
I chose these pretty Tilda fabrics
the fabric version looks a bit better than my drawing!
you know I love to get post from far-flung places - and this envelope has come along way
so what had come all the way from China?
it was cool this morning, which is probably why this bee stayed still long enough for a clear photo!
and to finish, more carrots. These were grown by Stuart - not bad for his first attempt!!