After finishing the 64 strippy blocks, I set about making more of the crazy blocks. I had made 16 by yesterday
then today ended up with 25, which I have stitched together
I then made a start to stitching the strippy blocks together. I got the rows done, before I had to go back into the house to make dinner!
I started work on the pattern for the badger, first transferring the different parts of the face on to tracing paper
then I cut the pieces out from card
I changed the black strip on the left, changed the ears, and added nostrils and eyes. I'm not happy yet with the strip on the left - I think it needs to be wider, so that the eye is bigger
I''ve had to take my big clock off the wall, as it kept going slow (I don't wear my watch when I'm sewing, as it is quite loose and bangs on the machine). I gave Malcolm this little clock many, many years ago for either his birthday or Christmas. I don't quite know how it has ended up in the studio. It is usually down in the bottom room, so I've moved it to the top room, sitting it on the light box (which doubles as a shelf when not in use!) so that I can see it