Malcolm has been sent to the naughty step for telling fibs!! After saying that he only had enough driftwood for one tree ...... he has made another two!!

I was busy this afternoon making more cards. I unearthed this booklet, which was free with a magazine, from my stash

I've never made decoupage cards before, but is is quite simple, if a bit fiddly cutting out the smaller pieces

this photo shows the several layers

last Friday, when Sandra, the Linus Lady, was sorting out a large pile of fabric samples which had been donated, I spotted these delicious linen fabrics

as they aren't suitable for making quilts, I asked Sandra if I could have them in exchange for a donation to Linus, which she agreed to. I had thought of using them for cards but this afternoon I remembered that I had some plain black notebooks. I cut out a piece of fabric and frayed the edges, then stuck it on the notebook. The plan now is to type up wording, print it out, and stick it on ...... nothing fancy, perhaps "notebook"!

I popped into The Reivers' Moon Gallery this morning with some more cards

This is my favourite one - the little post box is at the end of our road, and I took the photo a couple of years ago when we had the really bad winter

I know that I have declared next year the "year of using it up" (and in January I am going to join Lucie in a challenge to use up scraps), but I was very naughty yesterday when we were in Jedburgh! I had a little browse in the three charity shops, and as well as this book .......

........ I bought these four cushion covers, which are printed, ready to embroider (thus using up some of the embroidery thread stash!)

but it wasn't a great extravagance, as amazingly they were only £1 each!

when I was in the Gallery last week, I had asked Sally, the owner, if I could buy some mounts, backing boards and cellophane envelopes, which I knew she had left over from mounting my photos for sale in the gallery. She was quite happy to let me have them, and it means that I can mount some photos for the Southdean Christmas Fair. This is my favourite heron photo - I may have to buy it from myself!!