The lovely Kelly emailed me recently to say that she had a little package for me, that she would send to arrive when we got back from Majorca. Well ....... what a cornucopia of delights. I can't show you everything, as some of the gifts showed where she lives, but look at the first thing out of the package ...... John Deere fabric! I think this is going to be made into a cushion for me!

a postcard of Kelly's home state ....... I shall have to look for a postcard of Northumberland to send her

an owl bookmark, which is already tucked into a book

Kelly had recently been at a quilt show, where she saw this amazing quilt .........

........ I cannot imagine stitching so many tiny pieces of fabric together!

and last, but certainly not least, a bag with the cutest of owls! Thank you so much, Kelly, for such wonderful, thoughtful gifts!!

then, on to the second piece of happy mail. I'm not the only Scottish blogger called Anne ....... there is of course the wonderful Anne Lee. In a recent post she shared with us the delightful creatures she had created with her embroidery machine, to make a mobile for her gorgeous granddaughter, Emily. I asked her very, very nicely if she would make a sheepie for me (of course offering payment for it) ...... and she not only made it, she insisted on sending it as a gift! Thank you so much, Anne, I just love my sheepie! I am so lucky to have such wonderful blogging friends

I have lots of photos that I have taken since we got back from holiday, so here is a quick selection. I know that Kelly will like this shadow shot, which I took last week when we were in Alnwick - yes, the lettering on the blind is a shadow, not printing!

we popped into our favourite café in Alnwick, The Olive Branch

where we shared an excellent cheese and chive scone, which came with a little pot of homemade chutney

Malcolm had to leave his olive tree behind when we moved, so I bought this replacement for him last week. It looks good in its pot, sitting beside the kitchen door

the new garden has a lot of hedges - fortunately Malcolm inherited his Dad's electric hedge trimmer, which makes it much quicker and easier to keep the hedges looking neat

this pigeon was sitting on the grass, enjoying the early morning sun

while the blackbird was looking for something to eat

you know that sheepies very often turn and present their rear ends to the camera ........ and now the swans are doing it too!!

last Sunday we went to Eyemouth and had a walk round the harbour. I wanted this .......

........ while Malcolm preferred this

the seal posed prettily - will I look this way

or that?

it's Friday, so of course that means cake. As we ate lots of several one or two cakes on holiday, I thought I would share them with you over the next few Fridays. We were delighted to discover this new little bakery/coffee shop, up a little side street in Pollensa

which was both quirky and stylish

with mismatched furniture

and a tiny courtyard

this was an amazing confection of all things strawberry ...... and of course everyone knows that cake eaten on holiday has absolutely no calories!!

we have been in Berwick since yesterday afternoon, and we will be heading home in the morning. Weather permitting, Malcolm will be getting on in the garden, and I hope to get some very special sewing done - I'll tell you about it on Monday. I hope you have a good weekend, love Anne