The plan for yesterday morning was : pop down to Morpeth for some bits of shopping, visit Jennifer, then head up to Berwick. Unfortunately we got up to discover that the boiler was on the blink, so the plans had to be changed. But one thing never changes - the camera is always to hand in case a photo opportunity arises. You may think this is a rather poor blurry shot .......

but is was the sun shining through my little stained glass candleholder, casting a coloured shadow on the wall, while we were having our after-breakfast cup of tea

Malcolm found a heating engineer to fix the boiler, but he couldn't come out until this morning, so we headed to Morpeth as planned. After doing the odds and ends of shopping, we went for a cuppa, and shared a piece of rather tasty lemon and coconut cake

who could resist this little sweetie, patiently waiting for its owner outside M&S?

we spent an hour with Jennifer - she is making good progress and hopes to be home by the end of next week. She thanks you for all your good wishes for her recovery. Afer lunch, we decided to abandon our chores, and headed to Alnmouth for a walk on the beach. As you can see, a lot of people had the same idea

it was cheering to see so much blue sky, after the recent bad weather

you know I always find strange things to take photos of

including crab claws

and a large lobster claw

I had given Malcolm one of my cameras to play with, and he promptly got his revenge for all the times that I shout at him for getting in my photos, shouting at me to get out of his!

when we looked at all the photos later, we argued over who had taken which ones, each of us claiming to have taken the best ones. But I know Malcom took this one of some coils of wire lying on the sand

while I took this one of the remains of a lobster pot

I also took this one of the waves pounding on to the beach, with Coquet Island in the distance

we both took photos of the groynes

Malcolm because he likes the weathered wood

and me because I like the rusty metal

away from the beach, there was still plenty to take photos of, the church spire

chimneys (and more wonderful blue sky)

yet more chimneys

but what was this ....... we both thought that it looked like a Minion disguised as a chimney!

after all that walking and competitive photography, we were in need of a cuppa and sustenance (yes, I know, cake twice in one day is very naughty!) This was an unusual cake, which was described on the menu as apple and cinnamon, but it also had oats and chopped nuts in it, and was very delicious!

we will be visiting Jennifer tomorrow morning, then in the afternoon I hope to do some sewing. Then on Sunday, our former next door neighbours (the lovely shoe shop owners) are coming down for a visit. The forecast is reasonable, so we hope to go out for a bit of sightseeing with them. I hope you have a good weekend, love Anne