........ you've tried self-help, you have taken however many steps on the programme, you have listened to peer pressure, you have promised your husband you will never do it again ......... and then, one of those emails from Amazon pops up in your inbox
Dear Anne, as you have shown an interest in similar books, we think you might like these.
You look at one of them, and underneath it says, people who bought this book also bought these books.
Before you know it, you have clicked on the dreaded buy-with-one-click-button, and three days later a parcel arrives in the post. Your husband is there when the post arrives, so you can't slip the books on to the bookshelves and claim you have had them for ages (I have a friend who hides away new clothes, then when she wears them says "oh, I've had this for ages, I've just not worn it for a while").
So, my name is Anne, I'm addicted to books, and these are my latest acquisitions
what was I doing this morning with this little dish and a tube of toothpaste?
this was a tip I was given when we were living in Indonesia. If your pewter or Bangka tin is looking dull, clean it with toothpaste!
this has been another good summer for orchids, with lots of colour on the kitchen windowsill
we had our favourite cake this afternoon at patch'n'chat, the wonderful apple and sultana one
no doubt over the weekend we will be walking on the beach and eating scones - whatever you are doing I hope you have a good weekend, love Anne