.......... and I still haven't run out of things to say! Yes, it's a very special day in frayedattheedgeland, as I reach 1,500 posts. When I started writing the blog, I am sure Malcolm thought I would do it for a few weeks then give it up. He certainly anticipate that it would last so long, and that he would become involved in it, pointing out photo opportunities, and of course making such wonderful things for me to share with you. So, of course, we have to mark the occasion with a little giveaway. What the giveaway will be, I don't yet know - I shall have to have a hunt through my various stashes for a little special something! All you have to do is leave a comment between now and next Friday, when my random number generator (aka Malcolm) will select the winner. You can leave a comment every day - the more you comment, the more chances you will have!
Today is special for another reason ........ earlier in the week, I had an email from Dawn in Durham (no blog), saying that when she was in Florida on holiday, she visited a quilting shop where she saw something that she knew I would like. She asked if I would email her with my address, so that she could send the something to me. Obviously knowing that I wouldn't give out my address to someone I didn't know, she did say that (Stitchin' Heaven) Anne could vouch for her. So the parcel arrived this morning, along with an envelope from the College.

I opened Dawn's parcel first, to find this

and look what was inside ........ John Deere fabric!! Dawn has said that perhaps I could make something for Linus, but that hopefully there would be enough to make something for me - and that's just what I will do. Thank you so much Dawn, for such a thoughtful gift!

the envelope from the College contained the latest Community Classes listings

with an article about ME!

we had a very special visitor at patch'n'chat this afternoon. May I introduce you to Miss Molly

her owner is the delightful Seonaid (or perhaps it is Molly who owns Seonaid?!) Sorry Seonaid, I was so busy concentrating on the adorable Molly I only got half of you in the photo! Seonaid used to be a regular at patch'n'chat, but had lost her sewing mojo, so we were delighted to welcome her back today

no more photos please, I've posed enough

oh well, just one more for my adoring audience!!

but Molly didn't get to join us in tucking into Annette's delicious cupcakes

at last it looks as if we will be able to have a good long walk on Sunday, and of course I will be busy sewing. Whatever you are doing, I hope you have a great weekend, love Anne
ps - last week, Maureen sent me a photo of a deer in her garden, but unfortunately I couldn't get the photo to co-operate to put it in the blog. However, at the other end of the scale, today she sent me this one - what a brilliant photo!!