When I was walking across the garden on Saturday, on my way to the studio, I detoured to have a look at Malcolm's olive tree, that he bought for a whole £3 at the start of the summer. There are lots and lots of olives on it .......

...... however, as they are about the size of peppercorns, I don't think we will be producing our own olive oil! We also have two grape vines, and we have had a few grapes in previous years, but this is all that has appeared this year

we gave Malcolm's Dad this little hardy fuchsia - it sat at his back door in a pot. When he died we brought it home and planted it in the back garden. Every year we think it has died, then suddenly in late summer it appears and starts to flower

when I was sewing on Saturday, I decided to watch some of our country music CDs

I was singing along as I finished the quiting on my New Zealand Vineyard walhanging. As it has been a bit warm over the summer to wear quilting gloves, I have been using these rubber grips

they cam in a packet of 3 blue and 3 yellow ones - but as you can see the yellow ones are jsut a bit big for my fingers!

I have finished the quilting, so all that remains is to put the binding on