...... I know that some of you are puzzled as to how I accidently bought fabric yesterday. It's very simple. First you wander round the shop until you notice some wonderful new fabric. You pick up the two bolts, and look for some co-ordinating fabrics, choosing another two bolts. You go behind the counter (well, you are a friend and employee of the owner!) and cut half a metre of each fabric. See, totally accidental! So, here are the gorgeous fabrics

and the cutest of details

ok, perhaps gorgeous and cute aren't quite the right words to describe the fabric! For those of you who like to know these things ......

when I asked Anne if she had another project for me, she got a rather wicked look in her eye ....... and produced this mammoth task!

It is actually a double-sided quilt, but I shall make it as two separate quilts, so that both sides can be displayed in the shop.

and again, for those who like to know about the fabric .......

as well as working in the shop, Anne is also very involved in various horse-related events, and she hadn't had time to put the borders on Leanne's House, so it came back home with me, along with two lovley fabrics. I'll also quilt it

knowing that rhubarb and ginger jam is Anne's favourite, I took her a jar of the jam I made on Tuesday. She asked me if I would like some rhubarb, explaining that not only did she not have time to use it, but they are having work done on their kitchen, limiting her cooking. When I said yes please, she phoned her husband Mick, and asked him to pull the rhubarb and bring it to the shop for me. I was somewhat taken aback when Mick arrived and handed me this

this afternoon I decided to make chutney, using a recipe from this book

I had to make some changes, as I didn't have all the ingredients. So, I used sultanas instead of raisins, lemons instead of oranges, and as I didn't have fresh ginger, I used some of this frozen ginger. I also used brown sugar instead of granulated, and ordinary vinegar instead of wine vinegar ........ but other than that, I followed the recipe!

except I also left out the cardomom, as I'm not particularly fond of the flavour. However, I did put in the pinch of cinnamon, using one of my special spoons!

another specialist piece of equipment is my jam funnel. I am so glad that I bought it, as using it has put an end to messy, sticky jars

instead of my posh jars with the spotty lids (you have to promise to give me the jar back before I give you the jam or chutney!) I decided to use some of the motley collection of recycled jars which I have several boxes of

I also prepped another kilo of rhubarb to make more jam tomorrow. I washed and sliced te rhubarb, then put it in a large bowl, with a kilo of jam sugar and the juice of two lemons. I also finely diced some stem ginger. All I have to do in the morning is put it in a large saucepan (maybe a proper preserving pan will be my next investment) and boil it until setting point is reached.
ps I haven't even used half of the bag of rhubarb yet!