First thing this morning I popped my knitting in to soak

it is knitted with the most wonderful soft alpaca yarn, which I bought here, when we were in Australia lst year

once I had rinsed it, I squeezed out the excess water ...... remember, NEVER wring your wet knitting! Then I rolled it in a towel and squeezed it some more

I put an old pillowcase on the rug in the back lounge, and got out my blocking wires. I had invested in them some time ago when I was knitting a lot of shawls (both baby and adults ones). They make it much, much easier to block out knitting

so, finally, here it is! I got the idea to knit a cowl from Meredithe, who knitted a very pretty one recently. I started knitting it when we were driving up to Stuart and Alison's the other weekend ......

........ and that's when a slight problem arose! Through not paying close attention, and also because I was using a circular needle that was slightly too long, so I was juggling the stitches ....... I somehow managed to twist the knitting, and have ended up with a somewhat different cowl to the one I intended to make. However, once it is dry and I can take photos wearing it, you will see that it actually has turned out ok (just don't ask me to produce another one the same, as I don't know what I did!)
While the cowl was soaking, I cleaned this vase. I don't know quite how old it is, but I remember it as already being old when I was a child

I think the vase probably belonged to my grandparents, and would have been given to my parents when Granny and Grandpa moved to Galway to live with my only aunt and uncle (I only had one set of grandparents, as my Mum was an orphan). The top of the vase is silver, so I had to unearth the silver polish from the back of the cupboard

once it was clean, I grabbed the secateurs and had a quick snip to fill the vase

by then it was time for a cuppa. I would love a teapot like the one on the box!

so, what was the other thing that Malcolm made at the weekend? A miniature chair!

I saw a tiny chair in this post on Thimbleanna's blog, and asked Malcolm to make one for me. The frame is made from bits that he recenty removed from the gate-leg table in the studio, and the seat is oak that he used when he made crackets (stools). The plan is to paint the frame, then upholster the seat. I think he is worried that I am going to steal the paint he used for his chair, which several of you enquired about (he needn't worry, I intend to use Annie Sloan chalk paint)

when Malcolm was out and about this morning, he popped into the garden centre to get some compost and plants for his new planter. Considering that it only a few hours to make, and is made with scrap wood, it looks exceedingly good!

I spent the rest of the day quilting, and have just about finished the in the ditch quilting - this evening will be spent sewing in rather a lot of ends!

a bit of silliness to finish. I heard that annoying "walks like Rihanna" song on the radio this morning, and I thought of another chorus
She can't serve
She can't volley
But who cares
She shrieks like Sharipova .........