I went for a walk at lunchtime, and as I approached the donkey field, this sign caught my eye
I don't know if they have installed the fence to keep the donkeys in or the public out, but at least I now know how to say electric fence in several languages! Just let me know if you get fed up with photos of the oh-so-cute donkeys!
and if that's not cute enough ......
and if you still need another dose of cuteness ...... these lambs have just been born in the last few days. They are in the field across the road, so I have been spending too much time looking out the window to see them!
as I was walking up the hill, I could hear a tractor working in a field, with a great deal of squeaking machinery
I thought someone was waving a tiny white flag, but it was just a little feather caught on a twig
a dried weed, with a lovely mossy old wall behind it
I wil be back tomorrow with a sewing update, but to end I will tease you with another little bit of Notes of Love