.......when an emergency trip to the dentist is involved. A bit had broken off a tooth, so I popped into the dental centre when I was in Hawick first thing this morning, to see if I could get an emergency appointment. There wasn't one available, but the receptionist said she would phone if there was a cancellation. She phoned at lunchtime to say that she could give me an appointment at 2.40. Because it was an emergency appointment, Ididn't see my usual dentist, but I was very pleased with the treatment that I received from Claudia. She discovered that a large part of the tooth had broken off, meaning that thhe filling was loose. When she removed the filling, she discovered a lot of decay underneath (yes, I know, decidedly tmi!!). By the time she finished drilling, I thought she was going to come out through the bottom of my jaw! She put in a dressing, a lining and a very large filling, so hopefully all will be well. I am still numb, and will have to wait quite a while before I can have my dinner!
The original title was going to be something about snow, as this was the scene that greeted me on Saturday morning when I got up

of course I was due to drive to Kelso, for Abbey Quilters' 25th birthday party, so I was a very unhappy bunny! As I've mentioned before, our road is very nasty to drive on in the snow, as it is steep, with several nasty bends. Malcolm kindly said that he would drive me down to the main road, then walk back up the hill (isn't he a sweety!!). I took these photos, which aren't very clear, as the camera focused on the wet windscreen

This photo is from a couple of years ago, but it gives you an idea of how steep the road is

as I drove to Kelso, the snow turned to rain, then the rain stopped, so I was glad that I had taken the photos to show the others why I was late. A reviving cup of tea, and I was ready to join in the fun

Sarah, on the left, had baked a cake, which she had iced beautifully. Lily, one of the founder members, helped her cut it

we had the most wonderful lunch

I demonstrated how to make the Lovebirds, Sandra showed us how to make a mug bag (we take our own mugs for our mid-meeting cuppas)

Lorraine showed us a selection of mug rugs

we played a silly game .......

which ended with us all receiving a goody bag

there has been a distinct lack of sconnage recently, so we put that right yesterday, when we had a two-scone lunch at the Waterwheel Cafe


I'll be back tomorrow with the sewing update ...... and I'll also show you what was in the goody bag.