....... there are other interesting locals posing for photos!! I had hardly stepped out on to the road this morning, before the first photo opportunities presented themselves. These two horses were indulging in a bit of pushing annd shoving (and teeth baring!)
I had just remarked to Malcolm the other day that there hadn't been any horses in the bottom field .... so of course, there are now several horses in the field!
as I walked on round the bend towards Marion-the-distant-neighbour's field, I heard a great deal of honking, bleating and braying, as the various creatures were let out of their night time accommodation...... here are the culprits!
the goose and gander
the geese with one of the Jacob's ewes
the gander with the very old donkey
the donkey with another ewe
the donkey finally gets away from the mayhem for a bit of peace and quiet!
looking down on all the chaos was a little sparrow, perched on the electrical gubbins
I had to pop into Hawick late this morning (I'll tell you why in a minute), but I was delayed by this ......
she did have some adults and a sheep dog helping, but she was definitely in charge as she drove the sheep down the road. I thought she just looked so cute in her John Deere overalls and pink wellies!
So why was I on my way to Hawick? I was heading for the Reiver's Moon Gallery, which opened last month. Malcolm and I had gone in for a browse, and started chatting to Sally, the owner. Malcolm mentioned that I am a crafty person, so Sally asked if I had anything suitable for her to sell. I suggested taking in some of my photos - so after a letting her see some samples, today I took in my first batch, which she is going to present in mounts. Of course, as galleries do, she has taken them on a sale-or-return basis, so I will have to keep my fingers crossed that they sell. I am very excited, as this is a big step up from selling things at small local craft fairs ....... but I promised Sally that I won't phone her every five minutes to see if she has sold any!!
It is getting to be a habit to finish with something a bit silly ....... this traffic cone has been sitting in the verge for some time (I have no idea why it is there). This morning I noticed that there is grass growing out of the middle!