I have made many baby quilts over the years, which have been given to friends, neighbours, relatives and charities. I rarely see the quilts again, but Stuart sent me this photo this morning of Mia, the daughter of his friend Emma. Poor Mia was a bit unwell yesterday ........ there is nothing better than cuddling up under a quilt when you're not well! (photo used with Emma's permission)
At patch'n'chat this afternoon, Charlie brought in a quilt top which has been made by her mother Peggy, who will be eighty in June! Charlie had acquired the top from her Mum's house and had brought it in to ask Kay to longarm quilt it, as a surprise present for her Mum. The blue and white quilt is one of Kay's which she had brought along to give Charlie an idea of how it might be quilted
Jen was working on a beautiful sewing box, which she had started at a recent workshop
The pegs are holding the edge of the lid in place while the fabric glue dries!
I got quite a lot more prep done on my Baltimore block
We were spoiled for choice when we went through for our cuppa, as Sheena had been to Border Meringues for some extra goodies!!
Delicious as they all looked, I instead chose to have a piece of my favourite apple and sultana cake
I hope you all have a good weekend - no doubt I will be busy sewing!! Love, Anne