...... for some of the photos I wanted to take this week. First, there is my lovely twiggy arrangement in the hall. Because I had to turn the overhead light on, some of the colour is washed out, so you can't see that there are two colours of twigs, and they are all sparkly ....... and sadly you can't smell that they are infused with cinnamon and nutmeg (no, I haven't been very clever, I bought them in Sainsbury's on Monday when I did the weekly shop!)

Then I wanted to take a photo of the little picture that I picked up from the framers, after Malcolm hung it under the picture of the hare. But it was difficult to get a photo without reflections. This was the best I could do - you can see the wallpaper on the facing wall, and a bit of the ceiling light!!

I usually take photos of the birds in the afternoon, but these days when I come in from the studio it is too dark (never mind, it's not long until we get to the shortest day). So I made the effort to take these photos this morning when it was quite bright

I almost finished the Christmas tree wallhanging this afternoon. I just have a few more bits of bling to add ........

........ but the one thing that did photograph clearly, despite the light levels, was this afternoon's cake. This was just delicious - very sweet, but oh so tasty.

I can't remember all the ingredients, but there were cranberries, crushed biscuits and Ovaltine

I am planning to bake the Christmas cake at the weekend ....... whatever you are planning to do, I hope you have a good time. Love Anne
ps - don't forget to pop in over the weekend to see the wonderful shadow of Melrose Abbey that I will be posting for Shadow Shot Sunday!