Today has been a rather lean day for photos! This first one is of a fabulous quilt top, made by the very talented Sandra ..... all her corners always match and her borders always lie flat! (the colour isn't true, as the photo was taken under fluorescent lights, which tend to give a yellow hue)
Last week, Pam had asked about needle felting - so we had some fun playing with woolly bits this afternoon - and I was also prepping hexagons!
Some of you may have spotted the tin of chocolates - they weren't mine!! Annette (the owner of Borderland Fabrics) had brought them in to share with us - I only had a couple as I was saving myself for the Friday afternoon cake. This week's treat was one of Annette's lighter than air sponges - and even better, a chocolate sponge!
So that's it - a mere three photos ......... but I do have some good ones for tomorrow's Shadow Shot Sunday post (for new readers wondering why I post that on a Saturday, it's because SSS is hosted by the wonderful Tracy in Brisbane, so the meme starts mid-Saturday afternoon for us).
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend - I am looking forward to spending the afternoon at the Christmas Fair - even more so as I will be coming home to one of Malcolm's wonderful fish pies!! Love Anne