....... that is appearing in the hedgerow. When I went for my walk yesterday, I spotted the first dandelion of the year. While dandelions look lovely in the verge, they are a pest in the garden. Malcolm has to wage war on them every summer to remove them from the lawns.
A little further on, in a shady damp area under the hedge, I found some clumps of marsh marigolds. These are very pretty little flowers - I had some in our last garden, in a shady bed with other damp-loving plants
Then, one of my favourites - a little primrose, just starting to flower
But it wasn't all yellow ..... there were also lots of tiny violets
If you are fed up with photos of lambs, look away now! But who could resist this little one watching me as I took its photo!
There was also a ewe keeping an eye on me - she is a Herdwick. I shall be keeping an eye out for the Herdy lambs arriving - we are now in the main lambing season
Back home there were more yellow flowers - but there are only two left on this orchid, which started to flower just before Christmas
However, this slightly paler one has just started to flower - and it has lots of buds on it
I have almost finished the belt (it is all knitted in garter stitch, so not exactly taxing!). I'll knit the last few rows tonight, then I'll get on with the Linus blanket. It is so good to be able to photos outside in the sunshine - I took this one this afternoon
To finish, a bit of fun! When I spotted this chocolate owl while I was doing the food shopping yesterday, I just had to buy it for Malcolm (he did let me have a little taste - but not of the white chocolate, which I really don't like!!)