Just because all our delicious goodies that Rachel gave us were theoretically freezable, didn't actually mean that they all went into the freezer ....... some were kept out to be enjoyed over the course of today (I didn't freeze the gingerbread, as I know that it will keep well for the few days it will take for us to eat it) Such wonderful treats deserved to be put on a special plate, and I got out another of my Granny's embroidered traycloths.
Like the other traycloth, this one is also very old. I can remember it being in regular use during my childhood - and it just went in the washing machine with the rest of the washing. The only special treatment it got was to be ironed on the wrong side, so that the embroidery didn't get flattened.
We had the cupcakes with our morning cuppa - we had half each of the two flavours ...... marmalade and raspberry jam - delicious
We shared the biscuit after lunch (choc chip, with, we decided, a hint of lemon). The gingerbread was guzzled eaten with our afternoon cuppa - I spread it with the remains of the lemon curd ...... it was so delicious I will have to make another batch to have with the rest of the gingerbread!
Rachel modelled her new socks yesterday, so I thought I would show you my latest pair - but they are rather plain and uninteresting compared to hers
I finished knitting the basket last night - I had got a lot done in the car yesterday
I pinned it together and put some books in it, to give you an idea of how it will look
Over the weekend, I will block it, then make a lining - I am sure I'll be able to find suitable fabric in my stash! So it should be finished by Sunday night, and I can start the next project on Monday.