For some weeks now, I have been enjoying Anairam's Friday posts for 'weekword' - each week one of the participants chooses a word, and everyone posts a photo, a drawing, something to illustrate the word. This week it was Anairam's turn, and she chose the word time. I had an immediate picture in my head, so decided to join in this week, but unfortunately, as you know from my journal pages, I suffer from arrested development on the drawing front, so what appears on the page isn't what is in my head!
Do have a look at Anairam's blog - her interpretation of the word is wonderful, and she also has links to the other participants.
It's only 8.20, but I'm rushing to do this as I am spending the whole day at Borderland Fabrics - I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Have a wonderful weekend, love, Anne