After my success with dealing with my Ipod shuffle yesterday, I decided to go for broke on the technology front! I had read and reread the instructions for putting a link to flickr on the side bar .... it's really strange, you know what the words mean individually, but when you read them together, your brain freezes and you might as well be reading a foreign language!! So I told myself - you're a big girl, you're (reasonably) intelligent, how hard can it be? Then I remembered the advice I give people when teaching them patchwork - don't read the instructions from start to finish, you'll only become totally bewildered - just start with the first step and when you've done that move on to the second step ... and so on. Well ... it worked, and I now am the proud possessor of a link to my photos on flickr!!
And here is a little tease that might make you want to see more ....