I've spent most of today in the studio, so I thought you might like to visit. Obviously, this photo was taken last summer, when we actually had a sunny day! Why don't you come inside....
First, we step into the 'office' area, although as you can see from the rail on the left, my quilts get everywhere!
This is my knitting and general craft fabric stash. The studio is on two levels - you can just see the steps on the left.
The French doors on the upper level also have outer storm doors. I didn't open them today as it was a bit miserable. You may notice I have one or two books and magazines!
This is the patchwork stash, which I am gradually using up (honest, I haven't bought any fabric for weeks ... well maybe just a little bit!). You might notice at the top of the storage unit is the Patons logo - that's because I bought the units from Fiona, when she closed Woolly Ewe. They are fabulous units and I was very fortunate to get them.
And now for the final report on the 2-at-a-time socks. I finished the second 'pair' last night, so I now have two matching pairs - they are just toddler size, really cute. I enjoyed knitting them and once I got the hang of the method, found it quite easy. I will certainly have a go at a pair of socks for myself - at least I know they will turn out the same size, unlike most of my socks!