Why am I standing in front of a big stone?
If you look at this side, you are facing England .....
..... and on this side you are facing Scotland. I was born in Scotland, have lived there for most of my life and have always thought of myself as Scottish. But.... my Dad was Scottish and my Mum was English, so I suppose I should feel at home south of the border too, but during the five years I lived in England, I always felt 'foreign'! Malcolm was born in England, but has lived most of his adult life in Scotland. If you ask us our nationality, I say I'm Scottish, Malcolm says he's British. Hmmm - is this significant? Probably not, but I just thought I would share it with you. And one last thought - if the sun always shines on the righteous, I think you'll find in the photos that it's shining on this side of the border!