Woohoo, Wales won on Friday night, and just as the final whistle blew, this rainbow appeared ........ perhaps instead of a pot of gold at the end of it, the Cup is waiting for them!
when we were over in Berwick on Saturday morning, Malcolm noticed these poppies growing on a derelict building site
a riot of colour
I've never seen poppies this colour
yet another view of the three bridges - you can just see the new bridge through the left hand arch, and the railway bridge through the right hand one
it's hard work keeping your feathers neat and tidy - the swans spend a lot of time preening, spreading oil along their feathers
but what has got these swans in a flap?
one of the little fishing boats coming back into the dock
we also had a visit from the seal
who was tucking into a fish
yesterday we went a short way down the coast to Cocklawburn beach for a walk - I'll share the photos with you tomorrow. After our walk, of course we went for some sconnage, calling in here
Malcolm ordered a cheese scone
and I ordered a fruit scone, then of course we had half each!
that was going to be the end of the post, but when we got home this morning, as I was unpacking the bags, Malcolm went out into the back garden. He came back in and said to come out and bring the camera. Look at the tree, he said
some of the branches were bare. Why?
if you don't like caterpillars, don't look at the next two photos - the tree was covered in lots of these little beasties
which sadly are no more, but have been dispatched to caterpillar heaven!