My goodness, it hardly seems five minutes since I was sitting here in the flat last Friday writing a post! When we arrived after lunch there was a big ship in the dock, but it wasn't being loaded as it was raining, so there was also a queue of lorries
when the rain went off, this crew member appeared and started opening the hatches with this natty hoist
having lifted a section, he whizzed along and deposited it on top of the others - I wanted to have a go! But before long it started to rain again, the hatches were closed and all the lorries left
on Wednesday afternoon I thought I ought to make a start to stitching my block for this year's challenge for Abbey Quilters. We are doing sashiko blocks - we were given a piece of fabric and thread, and a choice of patterns. I chose this one, as it is much more interesting than the ones that are made up of straight lines or curves. This is the pattern pinned to the fabric with a piece of chalk transfer paper in between
the chalk lines will rub off after the pattern is stitched
it is very soothing to sit and stitch along the lines with long stitches
this afternoon we braved the rain and walked over to town, where we popped into Fantoosh for a cuppa and cake
Malcolm chose lemon and almond shortbread, which was very tasty
but when he tasted my chocolate mint brownie, he wished he had ordered one too!!
the forecast for the weekend is cold but dry, so hopefully we will be out and about. Have a good weekend, love Anne