You would think with all those channels on Freeview, I would have plety of choice for something to watch while sewing in the studio
so I got out my collection of Spooks DVDs ............
......... and settled down to get on with my stitching on the Aunts' Quilt blocks ......... when I could tear my eyes away from the delectable Richard Armitage
if you haven't seen him on tv, you may have seen him in the Hobbit films - he played Thorin Oakenshield. As Johhny Depp doesn't look so good these days, I may have to replace him with Richard (although perhaps George Clooney should get the boot from my most desirable list, as he didn't wait for me, but went off and married someone else!!) But I would have to put my foot down and demand that Richard shaves - I don't like stubble!!
there was a heavy shower this afternoon of hail/snow ....... I couldn't quite decide which it was
after the usual Christmas overindulgence, we're back pn the dreaded Fast/5:2 diet. Yesterday I had made a pot of chilli to have for dinner today. Rice has far too many calories for a fast day, so I made a batch of cauliflower and carrot "rice", with a tasty extra ingredient
I made the chilli with pork mince (simply because I has some in the freezer) and added lots of mushrooms and celery to give a good sized portion, without adding very much to the calorie count. I was a little bit generous wiht the chilli powder, but it was just the sort of chilly day to tuck into a big bowl of hot chilli!!
I'll be off shortly to pick up Maureen, to go to Abbey Quilters for the monthly meeting. We are going earlier than usual, as we are on "setting up" duty - putting out the tables and chairs. This evening one of the members will be demonstrating how to make a small cushion which resembles a strawberry, for resting your mobile phone on when it is charging. As I have no need for such an item, I will be doing some more stitching on the Aunts' Quilt!