First, Malcolm says thank you for your lovely comments on his photos!
Second, good news from Margaret's silent auction - my bid for a lovely blue and white quilt top was successful (I'll take photos at the weekend), and the amazing amount of £1200 was raised to help fund Margaret's disabled grandson to play Boccia.
Third,I forgot to post these photos yesterday of the most delicious scone that we shared with our morning cuppa
cheese and pickle - Malcolm declared that it was possibly the best scone that he has ever had (that is high praise!)
I hope you're not on a diet, as fourth is the Friday cake! Annette's light-as-air chocolate and cream sponge
finally ........ over the last few weeks, there have been two butterflies flitting about Borderland Fabrics, which had been named Sew and Sew. They had joined us when we had our cuppa last Friday, but then, during the week, Sew (or was it Sew) went to that great big butterfly heaven in the sky (pause to wipe away a tear!). But Sew (or Sew) joined us this afternoon (althought we didn't give him//her a piece of cake!)
we are staying at home this weekend, and I am looking forward to spending time in the studio sewing, with the log burning stove keeping me cosy. I hope you have a good weekend, love Anne