I nipped out to the studio this afternoon to do some work on Lilly Pilly, before I had to attend to my domestic duties ........ doing a large basket of ironing and making chicken curry with spicy potatoes for dinner. I got Malcolm to hold the bottom edge of the background fabric while I eased out the paper pattern, taking care not to disturb the layout of the trunk and branches. I then covered it with non stick parchment ........
........ and bonded the pieces in place
I then numbered the first thirty leaves, and traced them on to bondaweb, using the leftovers from cutting out the trunk and branches
I laid out the ten fabrics for the leaves on the heatproof covering, and ironed three leaves on to each one. There then followed the same process of putting the pattern sheet underneath as a guide to placing the leaves, then Malcolm was summoned again to hold the background fabric in place while I carefully removed the pattern sheet. A quick iron with the non stick parchment, and the first thirty leaves were in place (only another 120 to go!!)
I have been watching my box set of "Lost" while in the studio
We watched it when it was on tv, and this is the second time I have watched the DVDs ...... and I have to say I am still lost as to what it is all about!! But I do know that I much prefer bad boy Sawyer (played by the delicious Josh Holloway) to goody-goody Doctor Jack!
Heading back into the house, I paused to take a photo of our new clematis, which is flowering prettily