...... this morning, wet, windy and horrible .... so when it came to lunchtime, I definitely needed some comfort food!
delicious - boiled eggs and toast soldiers
I love to have pots of herbs on the kitchen windowsill, so I was delighted to find this double pot in a kitchen shop earlier in the week - just the thing to put my basil and thyme in
The rain did finally ease after lunch, so when I went out to the studio to fetch my sewing to go to Borderland Fabrics, I was able to take some photos of more signs of spring!
these narcissi are a month late in flowering
one of my garden favourites - alchemilla mollis

lovely soft shades of green and purple leaves of aquilegia

the forsythia is about to flower

The challenge for March was to clear out my wardrobe - I had already taken some woolies to a charity shop, but then I had a thorough clearout!
Don't worry, Winnie the Pooh didn't go to the charity shop .... he was just relaxing on the bed in the guest bedroom! It was hard to part with some of the clothes - but they are too small for me and I know I will never be that thin again ....... and I did feel better when they were no longer hanging in the wardrobe looking reproachfully at me for not being able to wear them.
Of course, Friday means cake, and Annette produced one of her light-as-air sponges for us to have with our cuppa
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend - we are supposed to have better weather tomorrow ...... but snow is forecast for next week!!!
Love Anne