It has been a really miserable day here. There has been a heavy mist, which at times has turned into drizzle - and it has been cold! So obviously I needed something for today's post which would cheer us all up. I was standing looking out of the kitchen window at the miserable weather, when I realised the answer was right in front of me - my lovely orchids! (you will notice I haven't taken photos of them in situ, but rather on top of the bookcase in the lounge, so that there was a plain wall behind them)
This is my newest orchid, which I just bought a few weeks ago. It is just so lovely, I couldn't resist it (and it was a special offer!)
The markings on the flowers are wonderful - I think it would make a lovely embroidery.
These last two flowers have been hanging on for weeks - again the markings are lovely.
This pale pink one has been in flower for a couple of months, but is starting to fade - you can see the bottom flower is getting ready to fall off!
Just starting to flower, this one is a strong pink.
But as you can see, the markings on this one aren't as strong.
Isn't this one superb - and with a butterfly just landed on it! ...... oh all right, the orchid is real, but the flower spike is silk - it just adds a bit of interest until the orchid flowers again!
I hope my orchids have provided a little bright spot for you in this grey day!